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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fish Factory

Scarlett and Max took swim lessons Monday through Thursday for two weeks straight at the Fish Factory at the Tom Landry Fitness Center at the beginning of the summer.  They both loved it it and looked forward to it every day, and were actually disappointed when it was the weekend and they couldn't go to swim class with Miss Jill.  They don't allow parents to watch the lessons (which is a smart move, at least for kids like mine; if I had been watching I would have been a distraction for sure).  They did, however, let us watch on the last day of class.  Both kids were super excited to have us come and watch so they could show off their new skills.

Max gets ready to jump to Miss Jill.

Scarlett swims underwater.

Max gives it a try.

Max floats on his back "like a pancake."

Scarlett, too.

Listening intently to Miss Jill.

Big jump!

And a few videos ... the "monkey crawl" along the side of the pool.

Scarlett jumps in and swims.

Max jumps in slides in and swims.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rockport Part 3: Hook, Line, and Sinker

A trip to Rockport just isn't complete without fishing off of Hunt's pier.  

After fishing, the kids went for a swim and capped it off with fudgsicles.  In their defense, it was really hot and the fudgsicles were melting really fast!

Later that night, we met up with friends and family for dinner and the awards ceremony for the kids' fishing tournament.  Here's Max signing his name to the board (which also doubled as the outdoor t.v. screen for the Spurs game -- recycling at it's finest!).

Scarlett signed her name to the board, but didn't have a comment to make, so I just wrote how many fish she caught -- 6 perch.  Max, on the other hand, had something very important to say -- "Sharks have big teeth."  (I also noted that he caught 6 perch; the exact calculations were a bit fuzzy to be honest, but I figured listing the same number Scarlett caught was a safe bet and at a minimum would keep the peace.)

Cousin Jordan!

Looking for more sharks, but there were no more shark appearances [SPOILER ALERT] until our trip a few weeks later to South Carolina.

Getting ready for the awards ceremony.

Scarlett accepts her fishing certificate.

Max inspects his certificate (probably wondering where his shark certificate is).

Until next time, Rockport!