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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hot dog, it's Winnie's birthday!

Happy Birthday to Winnie, who turned 9 years old today. Hard to believe. I think Winnie also finds it hard to believe that the little person who showed up at our house back in January is still here and doesn't appear to have any plans to leave.

Could Winnie look more miserable? (That's her princess hat from a prior Halloween doubling as a birthday hat in a pinch.) Don't worry, Winnie got a Pupperoni (her favorite) right after this photo was taken to soften the blow of both the humiliating photo shoot and the baby that has taken over her house. And if she thinks this is embarrassing, just wait until Halloween.

"Please tell me you're not coming after me with that thing ..."

And by the way, the Bumbo Scarlett is sitting in was forced into an early retirement today after it took both me and Chris working together to wedge Scarlett out of it.

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