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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Day versus Last Day

Here is Miss Scarlett at two days old on her very first day in her infant carseat getting ready to go home from the hospital. So small and sweet!

And here she is 8 1/2 months later on her last day in the carseat before switching it out for her big girl carseat (she has exceeded the weight limit so it's time to move up to the next size). Still sweet, but definitely no longer small!

(Well ... truth be told, Scarlett was a little more grumpy than sweet. Maybe it was because I had just broken the news to her that despite the fact that we were at a delicious taqueria in our neighborhood, she was getting yogurt for lunch. Sorry, Scarlett. No tacos al pastor for you. She was also probably a little ticked because half of the people at the Oak Cliff Home Tour told her what a cute baby boy she was. That's pretty much what happens when you're a really big baby, you don't have much hair, and your mom dresses you in brown. But it's fall, and there's only so much pink a girl can wear, you know?)

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