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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween from Scarlett the Lobster!

That's right. Scarlett was a lobster for her first Halloween. Perhaps an unorthodox choice, but I figure I should dress her up in particularly ridiculous outfits of my choosing while I still can. Soon enough she'll be demanding to be a princess or a fairy or -- heaven forbid -- Lady Gaga. Plus, lobsters are delicious.

Scarlett the Lobster made her first appearance at her Daddy's office for a Halloween party ...

... and promptly tried to make a break for it.

Winnie the Lobster is frozen with shame.

Cha Cha the Bumble Bee prays it will all be over soon.

And Missy the Banana wonders what she did to deserve this.

The Chef and her tasty lobsters.

The whole gang.

The Lobster getting ready to trick or treat with Harper the Vampire and Campbell the Pirate. Too bad lobsters can't eat candy.

Only 11 months and three weeks to decide what she should be for next year ...

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