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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Crab Crawl

Scarlett has the craziest crawl. She curls one leg up under her, kicks the other leg out and drag/pulls herself forward with the assistance of one arm. She didn't start off crawling this way; she originally did the traditional on your hands and knees style crawl. But the crab crawl evolved over time as a way to (a) not hurt her knees on the wood floor, and (b) not let go of whatever object she happened to be holding in one of her hands. Except now she does it no matter what surface she's on and whether or not she has something in her hand, and the only time she crawls old-school style is if she needs to make an exceptionally quick get away. I figure once she starts walking she'll abandon crawling altogether, so I got it on video this weekend. I present you with the first video posting on the blog: the "Crab Crawl," a/k/a the "Lazy Crawl."

(Still working out the kinks on posting videos ... it's off center and both the blog music and audio play at the same time. But I'm fairly impressed that I figured out to post it at all, so I'll focus on that.)

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