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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thirteen Months Old! (February 21, 2011)

Scarlett's lucky 13th month has come and gone! The biggest change in Scarlett this month has been in the communication department. She now very clearly says "hi" and "bye" (and at the appropriate time; she was saying "bye" before for both greetings and goodbyes). In the morning when we go to get her out of her crib or when we open the back door to get her out of the car she greets us with a chipper "Hiiiiiiiii!" as if seeing us is the best thing ever.

She also now says "Dada" as well as "Mama," although she occasionally calls Chris "Mama." I could be imagining it, but I think she says "baby" when she sees another baby, or even when she sees a picture of a baby or looks at herself in the mirror (admiring herself in the mirror is a favorite pastime). She says "ba" for bath and is working on saying "Winnie," which sounds more like "Wuh" for now. (And the torment of poor Winnie continues; tonight she ate some raisins Scarlett threw on the ground, and the 24 hour vet told me give her hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting (raisins are highly poisonous to dogs in case you didn't know). Poor, poor Winnie.)

Scarlett is all about kisses and hugs these days, and she even gives them out unsolicited now. Sometimes she likes to mix things up and give you a surprise kiss on your leg or arm. She loves to dance and bounce to the beat of music (and it looks like she inherited her Daddy's dance moves).

Two more top teeth made their appearance this month, so she now has four on top and two on bottom for a grand total of six. Her hair is filling in more and more and I can finally get bows in her hair without them sliding out (of course, her leaving them in is another story). She likes to wrestle with her Daddy and plays a mean game of peek-a-boo.

And without further ado, here is Miss Scarlett on her 13-month birthday.

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