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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Funny Bunny

As I mentioned, Scarlett officially began walking on Easter Sunday. The Kovac family's egg hunt was the day before. Not surprisingly, hunting eggs when you can't walk is a bit of a challenge. Note Scarlett holding my hand while the rest of the kids take off at the beginning of the hunt. Fortunately, there were so many eggs that even a crab-crawling Scarlett had no problem snagging a few.

On Easter Sunday Scarlett went for a golf cart ride and spent some quality time with her laughing duck, which was a gift to Scarlett from my Godmother, Cherry (you tickle him under his arms and he giggles like crazy -- Scarlett loves him, as evidenced by the big kiss in the picture below).

We hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

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