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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Symphony Under the Stars

The Dallas Symphony held it's third-annual outdoor concert at Kidd Springs Park, and we joined the Jones family for some classical music and lounging in the 'hood.

Dana hooked Scarlett up with a glow-in-the dark necklace (armlace?) while we waited for the show to begin.

Once everyone was distracted by the music, Scarlett attempted to help herself to a tasty beverage from a stranger's ice chest. Nice try, Scarlett.

When that didn't work out, she absconded with another kid's balloon animal (that looked a lot like a particular downtrodden wiener dog I know) and promptly popped it on the grass. Oops.

When all else fails, dance!

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