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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Forty Years

Scarlett's Grandma and Grandpa Schwegmann recently celebrated their 40th anniversary. Not only is it an incredible accomplishment to be married for that long, but they've managed to be married that long and still like being around each other, which is an even more impressive feat. Here's a shot of Bill and Shirley on their wedding day back in July 1971.

And here they are 40 years later in July 2011.

We headed down to New Braunfels to celebrate with them, and enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Grey Moss Inn just south of San Antonio. The restaurant is significant because it is the site of their first date back in 1970. The restaurant is a bit off the beaten path, and Shirley jokes that on that first date when they kept driving, and driving, and driving she started to get a bit worried about where in the world he was taking her. Bill jokes that when Shirley ordered the budget-friendly chopped steak (read: hamburger patty) instead of an actual steak, he thought to himself that she might be a keeper.

Grandpa points out to Scarlett where he and Grandma sat on the patio on their first date.

Greg, Shirley, Bill, and Chris.

The whole gang.

Happy anniversary!

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