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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, July 25, 2011

How old are you, Scarlett?

I'll go into more detail in Scarlett's 18 month post (which is in the works), but Scarlett's verbal skills have exploded over the last two weeks. She can count to three (among other new tricks), but her favorite number hands down is two. Examples ...

Me: Scarlett, do you want a cookie?
Scarlett: Two!

BB (to me, while driving down the street): Maybe we should stop at Home Depot and buy one.
Scarlett (from the backseat, oblivious to the fact that BB was not talking to her): Two!

Last night while we were reading/cuddling before bed, I asked her how old she is. She insisted that she's two. She would only let me video tape her if I had it on the mirror image setting on my iPhone, so that's why she's so interested in looking at the camera -- she could see herself! You'll also note that her hair has gotten out of control. A barrette is a must at all times (other than bedtime), but I just can't bring myself to cut it.

And here is 18-month old Scarlett insisting that she's two!

(You'll need to pause the music down below so you can hear the video.)

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