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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The "Buzz" on Halloween

Scarlett was a bee for Halloween. Here's a shot of our "bee-utiful" little girl.

The whole family got in on the bee-themed action. I was the queen bee, Chris was a bee keeper, and even poor mistreated Winnie was a bee, too. (Is it embarrassing to admit that Winnie actually already owned a bee costume? It is? Forget I just said that.) Here's the whole hive (with one bee trying to escape and another looking the other direction in shame).

The queen bee and her little bees.

Stopping to smell the flowers, as any respectable bee would do.

The bee is not amused. No more pictures -- let's go trick or treating already!

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