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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Truly Chihuly

The kids and I met the up with Cheryl and the two youngest Drazins -- Naomi and Sam -- for a morning at the Arboretum.  The Arboretum is currently hosting the amazing Chihuly exhibit, which consists of dozens of colorful hand-blown glass sculptures by artist Dale Chihuly sprinkled throughout the grounds.

Naomi and Scarlett have much in common, including baby brothers, great hair, and a deep admiration for princesses.  Max and Sam have a bit less in common, which is understandable given that they can't talk and discuss their deep admiration for whatever it is that they each deeply admire.  (In Max's case, despite the language barrier, it's pretty clear that he admires food and electrical cords.)  They do, however, both have names that make them sound less like babies and more like old men who like to play checkers at the park, so that's a good start.  

Scarlett was quite excited to see her friend Naomi.  (Note the blue and white glass sculpture in the distance.)

Checking out a mud puddle and pondering their next move.  

Decision reached:  Jump!

Sweet girl.

Heading to the frog fountains to cool off.

A large Chihuly piece.  The Arboretum is open some evenings and the sculptures are lit up, which must be beautiful.  

In front of another Chihuly installation as we were leaving.  (We were hot and tired, and the kids look less than thrilled, but I needed a group shot to prove that Max and Sam were there, too.  Probably should have just photoshopped them into another photo.  Upon closer inspection, Naomi and Sam actually look like they're shaking their fists angrily as if to say, "enough with the photos, lady!"  Scarlett and Max, used to my paparazzi ways, just look completely defeated.)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Notable Quotables

Me:  [after singing a song on the radio]  Scarlett, do I have a beautiful singing voice?
Scarlett:  No.
Me:  Don't you think my voice sounds like an angel?
Scarlett:  No.
Me:  What does it sound like?
Scarlett:  It sounds like an owl.
Me:  [thinking an owl's not that bad ... could be worse]
Scarlett:  No ... a cat.
Me:  [ok, so that's worse]  Well, ok.
Scarlett:  Mine sounds like a princess.


Scarlett:  Where's the red ball?
Me:  I don't know.
Scarlett:  I hid it.
Me:  Where did you hide it?
Scarlett:  Do you want a hint?
Me:  Sure.
Scarlett:  [points directly at the red ball's location]
Me:  Wow, that was some hint.
Scarlett:  Yes it was.


Me:  Scarlett, don't put your foot on the plate.  We don't do that.
Scarlett:  I'll put my foot on the edge.  [note photo]
Me:  That's the same thing.
Scarlett:  No, that's different.


Me:  Scarlett, are you almost done with dinner?
Scarlett:  I'm not almost done, I am done.  Let me down so I can DANCE, DANCE!


Some other things she's been saying lately ...

Dramatic use of the word "really."  For example, "I reaalllly don't want to go to bed right now."  Or "I reaalllly don't want to go home yet."

Instead of "oopsy daisy" she'll say "oopsy Donald [or Mickey, Minnie, etc.]."  This is pretty typical Scarlett humor -- calling someone or something the wrong name intentionally and then shooting a mischievous look and cackling hysterically.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Max is Eight Months Old! (July 17, 2012)

This will be a short post (my computer is still broken).  But I'll make Max's nine month post (he'll be nine months old on Friday!) extra long to make up for it (well, once I have a functioning computer again).  This actually makes sense since Max's ninth month on earth was HUGE.  He now crawls!  And pulls up!  And says "Mama"!

His eighth month was a great one, too, no doubt, just no big milestones to speak of.  He continues to eat like he's in a contest, he woos the ladies wherever we go, and he still wakes up several times a night (*yawn*).  As Scarlett mentions every day, Max is "such a nosey rosy."  He wants to know what's going on around him and what you are doing at all times, and can often be found craning his neck to investigate a noise, including the "beep beep" of our alarm when someone opens an exterior door to come in.  He's really contemplative and examines things carefully, from a leaf in the grass to my face, and he stares intently like he's solving some sort of complicated equation.  He likes music, and drums with his hands and bounces to the beat.  But the most entertaining thing of all continues to be Scarlett.  He lights up when he sees her, and he finds most everything she does to be hilarious.  He also finds her toys to be quite grab-able and her hair to be quite pull-able.  

Here's our big guy at eight months!  

Smiley Max.

Carefully inspecting the grass.

Look at those chubby cheeks.

Sweet boy.

Happy boy.

Love that face.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, America! Happy Beer Day, World!

We celebrated the 4th of July with Cousin Jordan and her parents with dinner here at the house.  Scarlett is enamored with sweet Baby J.  Can you blame her?  Just look at this little firecracker!

Kisses for Jordan.

Cousin-ly love!

Max observed the love fest from his new favorite vantage point -- standing up!  (With a little help from Daddy and the coffee table.)

And then just a little over one month later, we celebrated the Fifth of August with Cousin Jordan and her entourage (this time, her Grandma and Grandpa came along, as well as her parents, plus Scarlett and Max's Grandma and Paw were in town to boot).  So, maybe it's not a holiday, but it was fun to be together nonetheless.  

**Wait a minute, scratch that!  I just looked it up, and as it turns out, August 5th is International Beer Day!  And coincidentally, Max crawled for the first time that day ... after a beer bottle!  It was an empty beer bottle.  Does that make it less shameful?  I mean come on -- it was International Beer Day after all, what do you expect?  It was kismet, really.  I didn't get any photos of it, but Jeni did, so hopefully I'll be able to share the photographic evidence soon.**      

And what a difference a month makes ... here's Baby Jordan one month older looking so grown up.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Relax while you can, Winnie.

Any day now Max will be on the move. And after you.