Scarlett: No.
Me: Don't you think my voice sounds like an angel?
Scarlett: No.
Me: What does it sound like?
Scarlett: It sounds like an owl.
Me: [thinking an owl's not that bad ... could be worse]
Scarlett: No ... a cat.
Me: [ok, so that's worse] Well, ok.
Scarlett: Mine sounds like a princess.
Scarlett: Where's the red ball?
Me: I don't know.
Scarlett: I hid it.
Me: Where did you hide it?
Scarlett: Do you want a hint?
Me: Sure.
Scarlett: [points directly at the red ball's location]
Me: Wow, that was some hint.
Scarlett: Yes it was.
Me: Scarlett, don't put your foot on the plate. We don't do that.
Scarlett: I'll put my foot on the edge. [note photo]
Me: That's the same thing.
Scarlett: No, that's different.
Me: Scarlett, are you almost done with dinner?
Scarlett: I'm not almost done, I am done. Let me down so I can DANCE, DANCE!
Some other things she's been saying lately ...
Dramatic use of the word "really." For example, "I reaalllly don't want to go to bed right now." Or "I reaalllly don't want to go home yet."
Instead of "oopsy daisy" she'll say "oopsy Donald [or Mickey, Minnie, etc.]." This is pretty typical Scarlett humor -- calling someone or something the wrong name intentionally and then shooting a mischievous look and cackling hysterically.
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