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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lake House v. Real House

The Joneses invited us to their fabulous lake house on Lake Cyprus Springs a few weeks ago.  As expected, we had a fantastic time.  In fact, Scarlett made the bold announcement that she likes the Jones's lake house better than their real house.  Because it has a lake.  And a boat.  And bunk beds.  Who can argue with that?

Scarlett and Harper getting ready to head out on the boat on our first day there.  So sweet!

Max rockin' the lobster swimsuit.

Getting geared up.

Chris and the ladies hanging on the tube.

And they're off!

Swimming off the dock.

Lunch at the marina.  (I wish I knew what Scarlett was whispering to Campbell.  Something quite important, I'm sure.)

Family shot.

Playing ball in the backyard.

Campbell and Chris relaxing in the hammock.

Harper helped Scarlett make a blanket tent in the bunk house.  This scored really, really high on the awesome scale in Scarlett's eyes.

Breakfast time!  Scarlett loved doing whatever the big girls did.  She even spent the night with them in the bunkhouse (we were certain she was going to sneak into our room at some point, but she slept through the night).

Max checking out the lake from the back porch.

More boat time!

Cruising on the paddle boat, with Chris doing the paddling, Scarlett doing the steering, and Max doing the riding.  

Max and Chris had their jobs down pat.  Scarlett, on the other hand, seemed intent on either going around in circles or heading off in the wrong direction (all the while refusing to allow Chris to intervene or give her any tips; sort of the toddler equivalent of refusing to ask for directions). 

Thanks for a fun weekend, Jones family!

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