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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Friday, September 6, 2013

"Maxwell Schwegmann"

Here's a video of 21-month-old Max eating like a big boy and saying his name (including Schwegmann, which plenty of adults can't pronounce, so he gets bonus points for that;  I also think it's really cute that even though we call him Max 95% of the time, he calls himself Maxwell).  Scarlett was in the ladies room around the corner while I was filming listening to me talk to Max.  In her typical nosey/bossy fashion, she chimes in at the end of the video to critique/correct his pronunciation.  At first I thought she was calling for me to help her, but when I realized what she was saying and asked her why she was hollering Schwegmann at the top of her lungs, she explained it was "because he's not saying it right!"

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