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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Scarlett's Butterfly Birthday Bash

Scarlett's fourth birthday party was at the Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park, which features an indoor temperature-controlled tropical butterfly house.  Scarlett loves butterflies, so it sounded perfect!   

Every butterfly birthday party needs a butterfly birthday cake.

And what better way for the little guests (and a few big ones, too) to fit in with the theme than with wings and antennae?

Papa Tig getting his butterfly on.

Max getting his face painted while BB watches on.

Max looks less than pleased (not sure what exactly was going on here) but this was the beset shot I got of his spider and web face painting.  (Max was quite proud of his "MEAAANNNN spider!")

Cousin Jordan was ready to party.

The Very Serious Butterfly.  (Scarlett acted really shy the entire party from all of the hubbub and attention.)

There were lots of fun things to do in our party room in addition to the face painting, like making butterfly crafts ...

... coloring ...

... and lunch.

After lunch we headed to the main attraction -- the butterfly house!


Check out these butterfly boots!

Cheryl and BB.


Claire and Kathryn.

Time for cake.  It took quite a bit of coaxing to get our attention-avoiding girl anywhere near her cake because she said she didn't want everyone to sing happy birthday to her.  I told her she could put the candles in the cake herself, and that did the trick.

When I lit the candles, however, she became skeptical again ...

... and had this super pathetic look on her face while we sang her "Happy Birthday."

Max, in stark contrast, was all about the cake, candles, and singing.  In fact, he insisted that we light a candle for him so he could blow it out and applaud himself.

Izzi and Oliver.

Scot and Nathan.




Stella and Michael.


Charles and Merritt.


Boys from Scarlett's class having an antennae-sword battle.

Grandma, Uncle Frank, and Aunt Brenda.  Where's your butterfly wings and antennae, Frank?

Returning the cart after hauling Scarlett's presents and other goodies to the car.

Some fun at the fountain before heading home.  (Note the big smiles now that the crowd is gone ...)

And that's a wrap!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scarlett is FOUR!

January 21, 2014 was a big day -- Scarlett's fourth birthday!  Chris and Max made pancakes for her birthday breakfast.  Here they are having a pre-breakfast staring contest.

Scarlett the Artist got an easel for her birthday -- chalkboard on one side, white erase board on the other, and a roll of paper for painting.

More birthday loot.

BB and Max waiting patiently for Scarlett to wake up (she's a world-class sleeper just like her Mommy).  I'm sure there's a good explanation as to why they are wearing flashing slatted glasses striaght out of 1985, but I don't know what it is.

She's awake!  Present time!

Trying out the art easel.  Scarlett wrote "thank you for my easel" in Chinese characters, isn't she smart for barely four years old?  (Ok, so I totally made that up.  Those are just squiggles.  But they look like Chinese characters, am I right?)

Scarlett's assistant lies down on the job.  Literally.

A collaberative art project after Scarlett's assistant regained his strength.

Our big girl in her "four" shirt.

Holding up four fingers German-style (Schwegmanns represent!) with the thumb in play instead of the pinky.

Happy birthday, Scarlett!