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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cookies & Castles 2013

Cookies & Castles is a Tri Delta alumnae event benefiting the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital where you make a gingerbread house and visit with Santa.  Amy and the Kovacs kids joined us like last year, and this year Dana and the Jones girls plus Boyd came, too -- the more the merrier!

Boyd, Scarlett, and Campbell getting started.

Stella tries out some of the candy (for quality control).

Henry comes up with a plan.

Campbell spreads some serious icing for a serious roof-tiling project.

Sweet Harper.

The middle of the room was full of tables loaded with jars and jars of every kind of candy you can imagine.  So much candy, so little time.

Scarlett tried her "hand" at spreading the icing without a knife ...

... and then promptly freaked out because her hands got dirty.

Henry demonstrates one way to take care of icing on your hands.

And Boyd demonstrates what to do with any excess candy.  (Note that the whitish-yellow gumdrop has a big bite taken out of it.)

Dana, Campbell, and the impressive roof-tiling job.

The Kovacs.  (To answer a few questions:  No, the house on the left does not have horns.  They're slanty chimneys.  And yes, Stella has a purple gummy bear hanging out of the side of her mouth (more quality control).)

Just like last year, our visit to the Cookies & Castles Santa was a bust.  Except for me, apparently.  I inexplicably look thrilled.  Santa, however, looks like he feels the same way as Scarlett, but contractually isn't permitted to cover his face with his hands during the photographs.

Group shot.  Smiles all around, so I don't look quite so goofy.  Santa and Scarlett, however, remain steadfast in their disdain for the whole thing.

Next year, I think I will brave it and bring Max, too.  Candy as far as the eyes can see + unfettered access to said candy + a toddler with an insatiable appetite for sweets = a gingerbread-themed disaster in the making.  The failed Santa photos will probably pale in comparison to what awaits us next year.  Brace yourselves, Tri Delta alumnae.  

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