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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

King Pins

Memorial Day at the pool got rained out this year, so we headed to the bowling alley instead.  We were unsure of how it would go, since bowling with a two and four year old had potential disaster written all over it.  But they loved it.  Gutter bumpers in place, an awesome hot pink ball secured by Scarlett, and a snazzy green ball snagged by Max, and our little bowlers were ready to roll.  (Roll verrrrrrryyyyy veeerrrrryyy slowly as it turns out, but ready to roll nevertheless!)

Scarlett's first try:  right down the middle!

Getting tips from Daddy on how to pick up a split.

Max's first try with a little help from Mommy.

Max tries to pick up a spare.  Looking good, Max.

Note that two frames in, Chris was losing to a two year old, four year old, and 39 year old.  Your intramural championship bowling teammates would be hanging their heads in shame, Chris.

Getting some tips from Daddy (although maybe he should be the one getting tips from Max based on the score ...).

Purple haze.

 Waiting for the ball to come out of the shoot was nearly as exciting as bowling itself.

Max only had the patience to watch for so long since his ball was rolling at a glacial pace, and he'd often make a mad dash back to our table before his ball reached the pins (a bowling alley employee actually had to go out and rescue Max's ball a few times when it came to a complete stop midway down the lane).

Setting up her shot.

Nice shot, Scarlett.

Picking up the spare!

Max waits for his ball to make it all the way down the lane.

Scarlett joins him for emotional support (I'm telling you, it was a seriously long wait).

So long, in fact, that Max needs a break.

How sweet is this spontaneous sister hug -- you can do it Max!!

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