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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rockport Part 2: Life's a Beach

We headed to Port Aransas for some family beach time on Friday afternoon/evening.  The skies were cloudy and it was windy, but the bad weather held off and the wind made for some good kite-flying.

There was digging.  Lots of digging.

And scooping.

And seine-ing (dragging a net through the water in an effort to catch crabs, fish, or any other wayward sea creatures; alas, we only caught seaweed).

Back to digging!

Happy girl.

Checking out the seahorse somebody captured and placed in a "big bucket of miscellaneous doomed sea creatures" (who all met untimely ends, no doubt, due to overly-aggressive admiration).  

Snack break.

Scarlett tickling Paw, and Max running away after tickling Paw for fear of retribution from Paw and/or the dreaded Tickle Bug who lives in Paw's shirt pocket.

Scarlett drew her name in the sand ...

and Max drew a "rainbow waterfall."  Clearly.

And then this started.  Maybe they were giving themselves exotic spa treatments?

When I gave Max a shower later that night, you can't even begin to imagine the sand that I found wedged in every wedge-able spot on this kid.

Sunset at the beach.

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