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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spirit Week

The first day of fall Spirit Week at school was crazy hat and socks day.  Scarlett opted for her Park City hat (not so crazy) and some of my polka dotted socks pulled up over her leggings.  Max went with his construction hat and his shark shoes (crazy socks/shoes ... same difference, I guess).

The second day of Spirit Week was Western Day, and if I do say so myself, Scarlett and Max were pretty much the cutest cowgirl and cowboy ever.  Thanks to Gigi (Gail Parker) for the adorable suede cowgirl/cowboy outfits and hats -- they were a big hit.


The last day of Spirit Week was pajama day.  Max apparently already had enough spirit earlier in the week and decided to sit this one out (or maybe he figured there was no way to top his Western Day attire and he wanted to go out on a high note).  So here's Scarlett in her pajamas with some Mardi Gras beads thrown in for good measure, and Max in his regular attire but inexplicable holding a snowball maker.  Kids are weird, what can I say.

Max checking for snow clouds?

Pretty girl.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Park City Part 4

Ok, time to get some 2014 posts wrapped up seeing as how 2015 is just around the corner.  Here's some photos from our final days in Park City this summer.

The kids helping Papa Tig making his world-famous French toast.

We spent one of our last days on Lake Jordanelle with Captain Chris at the helm.  

Max thought it was a bit too windy, so he and Papa Tig hung out on the floor of the boat for a bit.  

Mimi getting some cuddles from two cute girls.  

Scarlett takes in the scenery.  

The water was FREEZING cold, but Papa Tig was a great sport and got in nevertheless to pull the kids around on the inflatable raft.

Mimi wisely watched from the safety (and warmth) of the boat.  

Scarlett decided to brave the frigid water and take a dip, too.

And then Amy got in on the action!  Hard to tell from this photo, but their lips were blue; Amy had to do some serious convincing to get Scarlett out of the water.  

Max contemplating ... to get in, or not to get in ... hmmmm .... 

Might as well!

Drying off and trying to get warm.

Back home, and you guessed it ... hot tub time!

The kids were being oddly quiet for a long time, and I came into our room to find this.  They "put away all of the clothes," which was sweet, except for the fact that they mixed up the already folded clean laundry and the dirty clothes and threw them together into an indistinguishable mix of clothes.  Note Sharky wedged in there for good measure.

One last hike before heading back to the Big D.

We couldn't leave without paddle boarding.  Actually, it never crossed my mind to do this with the kids -- figured they were too little -- but Papa Tig was game, so we gave it a whirl.  They did great!  

A quick hug before heading out.

Scarlett picked a turquoise paddle board so we wouldn't have to disturb this fellow.

Brother patiently waits his turn.

Note the duck swimming alongside them.

Max's turn!

Feeding the ducks.

And that's a wrap on our Park City adventure!