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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Halloween 2014 -- Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and their Crew

Scarlett and Max were Tinkerbell and Peter Pan for Halloween, with me as Wendy, Chris as Captain Hook, BB as a pirate in Hook's crew, and Winnie and Cupcake as reluctant pirates.

Here's Tinkerbell and Peter Pan headed to Chris's Captain Hook's office for trick-or-treating.

Halloween was on a Friday, and the kids got to wear their costumes to school.  Here's Merritt as the Pirate Fairy along with Tinkerbell.

Trick-or-treating at school.

BB got to read a Halloween book to Scarlett's class during their Halloween party later that afternoon ...

... followed up by a little "Hokey Pokey."  Putting their left hands in ...

... and shaking it all about!

Halloween crafting with Bennitt.

How cute are these cookies that Merritt's mom made?

Max's class had a Halloween party, too!  BB applies a "tattoo" to Max's hand.

Finally, it was time for the main event -- trick-or-treating on Halloween night!

Sweet Winnie the pirate.

Captain Hook, BB the Pirate, and Tinkerbell.  (Note there are no photos of Cupcake in his pirate costume.  There is only so much a semi-wild outside cat will tolerate, and apparently pirate costumes is not on that list.)

Peter Pan photo bomb.

Pirates beware!

Group shot while out trick-or-treating.

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