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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2014 -- Part 1

We headed down to Grandma and Paw's place for Thanksgiving, and as usual, started off our visit with a bit of golf and playing out back.

Grandma and BB enjoying the spectacular golf nice weather.

Scarlett and Max decided that was a good idea, too.

Randy swung by for a visit.

Scarlett and Max helping Grandma prepare the relish tray on Thanksgiving morning.

Cousins checking out the birdbath.

Nice form, Max.

A few pointers from Daddy while some more cousins watch.

Speaking of cousins, here are most of the Schwegmann and Suehs cousins from Paw's generation (Charlie, George, Paw, Ben, Willy, Meg, Jim, and Robbie).

Building a fire.  (Schwegmanns love a good fire.)

Next up ... adventures in Austin, Boerne, and camping!

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