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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Seven Months Old! (August 21, 2010)

Scarlett turned a whopping seven months old last Saturday. She's had a big month! She is now sitting up completely unassisted, which means that she gets to sit up like a big girl in shopping carts, in her baby tub, and in highchairs at restaurants. Speaking of restaurants, Scarlett had her first taste of restaurant fare at Hula Hottie's in our neighborhood last week. She picked macaroni and cheese off the kids menu, and let's just say that you might want to stock up on macaroni and cheese if Scarlett is coming to visit you because she LOVED IT. Like, puppies-and-rainbows-and-angels-singing-from-the-heavens loved it. She's back to fruits and veggies for now (all of which are delicious in their own right) but they're no match for mac and cheese. Not surprisingly (have you gotten a good look at her thighs?) she's a great eater in general. So far she's had oatmeal, apple, banana, mango, peach, nectarine, cantaloupe, blueberry, pear, avocado, squash, green beans, peas, sweet potato, carrot, and yogurt, all homemade by Chris (well, except for the yogurt; he's good, but not that good). She's also learning to drink water from a sippy cup. Here she is in action.

Scarlett has been spending quite a bit of time wriggling around on her belly reaching out for toys or scooting backwards to go ... well, I'm not quite sure where she's going (and suspect she's not so sure either). She also moves all over her crib at night. She starts out on her back in the middle, but you might find her on her stomach at one end of the other or on her side with a leg hanging out of the crib slats. One things is clear: Scarlett will officially be on the move soon. My personal prediction is that she'll be crawling within the next few weeks, but we'll see. We have some serious baby-proofing to take care of in the very near future.

Here are some pictures of Miss Scarlett on her seven month birthday!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Swimming, Swimming, and More Swmming

Guess what Scarlett has been up to? You guessed it -- swimming! Here she is posing with her cute personalized beach towel and her new swimsuit. (This was supposed to be her suit for next summer, but upon closer inspection of the suit and Miss Scarlett, I realized there was NO WAY it was going to fit her next summer. Tried it on her, and lo and behold, it fits now.)

Splashing is fun!

"Mmmm. This cup lid is delicious."

"But you know what looks even more delicious??? My Daddy's arm! Nom nom nom ..."

"Hey, what's that squirrel doing?"

Sunbathing, apparently. Crazy squirrel.

"Mom, don't you think you've taken enough pictures for one day?? Sheesh."

Seven month photos and update to come later this week.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

(Thanks to Sharon for the adorable wiener dog onesie!)

Monday, August 2, 2010


Scarlett went swinging for the first time last weekend at a little park around the corner from our house. It was established in 1928 and has some cool old stone benches and tables as well as lots of fun playground equipment that Scarlett will be able to enjoy for many years.

Swinging is fun!


Woah! Not so fast Mom!

Ok, that's more like it.

The Heat is On

Scarlett has been spending lots of time at the pool because it's so hot. Really, really hot. Super hot. Fry an egg on the sidewalk hot. Here she is trying to beat the heat with her buddies Nathan (3) and Megan (8 months).

After swimming it was time to cool off in the shade with BB. (Some well-intentioned lady said, "oooh -- look at her cute bikini!" Except it's not a bikini. It's a tankini that got displaced by her frog belly. The hat is looking a little snug as well, now that you mention it ...)

When it's so hot, playing takes extra concentration (note Megan's tongue sticking out).

Inspired after watching a few minutes of a Harry Potter movie this weekend, Scarlett tries to cast a spell on an unsuspecting Megan so the green toy can be hers. Or maybe she's just getting ready to grab it. Either way, Scarlett has big plans for that toy.

Tiiiiiimmmmmmmmberrrrr! They both go down at the same time (no worries; only a few tears were shed, mostly by me).

Hope everyone is keeping cool as best they can!