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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Swimming, Swimming, and More Swmming

Guess what Scarlett has been up to? You guessed it -- swimming! Here she is posing with her cute personalized beach towel and her new swimsuit. (This was supposed to be her suit for next summer, but upon closer inspection of the suit and Miss Scarlett, I realized there was NO WAY it was going to fit her next summer. Tried it on her, and lo and behold, it fits now.)

Splashing is fun!

"Mmmm. This cup lid is delicious."

"But you know what looks even more delicious??? My Daddy's arm! Nom nom nom ..."

"Hey, what's that squirrel doing?"

Sunbathing, apparently. Crazy squirrel.

"Mom, don't you think you've taken enough pictures for one day?? Sheesh."

Seven month photos and update to come later this week.

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