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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Heat is On

Scarlett has been spending lots of time at the pool because it's so hot. Really, really hot. Super hot. Fry an egg on the sidewalk hot. Here she is trying to beat the heat with her buddies Nathan (3) and Megan (8 months).

After swimming it was time to cool off in the shade with BB. (Some well-intentioned lady said, "oooh -- look at her cute bikini!" Except it's not a bikini. It's a tankini that got displaced by her frog belly. The hat is looking a little snug as well, now that you mention it ...)

When it's so hot, playing takes extra concentration (note Megan's tongue sticking out).

Inspired after watching a few minutes of a Harry Potter movie this weekend, Scarlett tries to cast a spell on an unsuspecting Megan so the green toy can be hers. Or maybe she's just getting ready to grab it. Either way, Scarlett has big plans for that toy.

Tiiiiiimmmmmmmmberrrrr! They both go down at the same time (no worries; only a few tears were shed, mostly by me).

Hope everyone is keeping cool as best they can!

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