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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Friday, December 2, 2011

Max's Two Week Checkup

Max had his two week check up today with Dr. Curry, and everything looks great. Max is growing like a weed. He's up to 9 pounds 4 oz (95th percentile for baby boys), is 21 inches long (95th percentile), and his head measurement is off the charts at 15 inches (greater than 97th percentile). Ideally a baby will be back to his or her birth weight at two weeks (since they typically lose a bit of weight after birth). Max not only got up to his birth weight (7 lbs 15 oz), he surpassed it by a pound and 5 ounces (which shouldn't be all that surprising given that he wants to eat ALL the time)! Looks like he might give Scarlett a run for her money after all. He still seems so tiny (and he still has his signature skinny chicken legs), but I think you just forget how little newborns are until you hold one.

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