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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, December 26, 2011

Santa #3

Scarlett was an old pro by the time she met up with Santa #3 at my firm's kids Christmas party, thanks in no small part to the fact that her Daddy was holding her.

Max, however, did not get Scarlett's "screaming at the sight of Santa is for babies (at least if one of your parents is holding you)" memo.

But hey -- he is a baby, after all. I would hope for better luck next year, but chances are good that Max will freak again. My money is on Christmas 2013 being the earliest we can hope for a nice calm shot with both kids and Santa. Truth be told, I'd be a little disappointed if I didn't have the obligatory "scary Santa" shots of the kids. It's a right of passage in my book (quite literally in my baby book, where Santa's reign of terror was documented at Cielo Vista Mall as far back as 1977).

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