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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Max is Six Months Old! (May 17, 2012)

Max-a-million is six months old, and he has all kinds of big news to share:  He can sit up all by himself!  He has a tooth!  He started eating solids!  He was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys!  Ok, so the last one may or may not be true, but nevertheless, that's a lot of excitement for a (not so) little guy.

Speaking of being not so little, at his 6 month exam with Dr. Curry, Max weighed 19 pounds 14 ounces and was 28 inches tall.  Both measurements are in the 90th percentile for boys.  (By comparison, Scarlett was 18 pounds 9 ounces and 28 inches long at six months, so Brother has her outweighed by well over a pound.  My poor, poor back.)

He still needs to be spotted a bit when sitting up -- just in case -- and he's too unsteady to place on a hard surface, but on a bed, rug, grass, etc. he's pretty much good to go.  (Note that the photos in this post were taken before we cut his hair.)

As for the tooth, one of his bottom front teeth decided to finally poke out of his gums on his 6 month birthday after months of incessant gnawing.  Even though it's baaaarely there (and too small to successfully be captured on camera) that little sucker is razor-sharp.  Max continues to chew on anything he can get in his mouth, so more teeth are surely soon to follow.  There will be a separate post about his first meal of solid food, but not surprisingly, he eats like a champ.

Max loves playing in his exersaucer, watching the cars drive by on Colorado, grabbing his feet, chewing on his hands, and watching Scarlett do just about anything.

A few more shots of sweet, happy Max ...

Relaxing with Mommy on Mother's Day.

Max and his Daddy.

Lucky boy got to spend his six month birthday with Mimi and Papa Tig, too!  (And of course big sister Scarlett.)

Happy six month birthday, precious boy!

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