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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Great Cover Up

One of the funny things Scarlett does is put blankets on her babies.  Both the term "baby" and "blanket" are used loosely.  The baby could be an actual baby like Max or one of her baby dolls, and the blanket is often an actual blanket.  But if Scarlett is feeling creative, the "baby" could be a puzzle piece or a fork or a toothbrush and the "blanket" could be a piece of junk mail or a diaper or a fake hamburger bun.  You never know. 

These are just a few of the scenes I've come across in the last couple of weeks:

Typical baby/blanket scene.  Totally normal, right?  Well, except for the stray rock next to the mermaid's head.  (Scarlett loves rocks and I'm always finding them around the house.)  Actually, now that I think about it, I highly doubt mermaids use blankets.  Maybe seaweed blankets, but definitely not quilts (would get too soggy).  So maybe not that normal after all. 

Getting more creative with what qualifies as a blanket.  This poor baby is literally buried in junk mail.  I feel your pain, baby.  

Not sure exactly what's going on between Elmo Fork and Yellow Fork, but I'm going to respect their privacy and not ask any questions.

Pink Minnie (not to be confused with Purple Minnie) face down on the living room rug (rough night in the Magic Kingdom, perhaps?).  Note Winnie in the background un-blanketed.  For now.  Scarlett's got her eye on you, Winnie.   

And last but not least, we have Mary Kay and the tea cup (and yes, I confirmed with Scarlett that the tea cup was in fact a "blanket").  It's hard to tell from this photo, but Mary Kay (a collectors item Mary Kay consultant Barbie that Chris's clients kindly sent to Scarlett) is topless.  By the time she made it to the Jones's lake house a few days later (blog post forthcoming), all she had on was her pantyhose.  And her pearls (gotta keep it classy).  I told Scarlett she could pick one doll to bring with her to the lake, and without hesitation, she chose Mary Kay.  I asked her why, and she answered, "Because she likes to dance on boats.  But she doesn't like to swim in lakes."  I don't know if MK's activities would be approved by corporate, so we better keep this on the down-low.  I hope they don't read this blog, or she is BUSTED. 

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