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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

U---S---A!!! W---X---Y---Z!!!*

We had lots of fun celebrating America's birthday this year (happy 236th!), including a weekend at the Jones's awesome new lake house on Lake Cypress Springs.  (There was also dinner with Jeni, John, and sweet baby Jordan the day-of; separate post forthcoming.) 

Scarlett and Max got to go on their first boat ride (not counting the Port Aransas ferry).  Scarlett was a bit skeptical at first, but Harper and Campbell did their best to try to put her ease. 

Max was feeling much more confident, probably because he had no idea what was going on or where he was, and was busy trying to figure out why we stuffed him into an infant life jacket that left him looking like a blue striped beach ball with orange wings.  

Despite Mary Kay's penchant for dancing on boats, she decided to stay back at the lake house and take a nap.  About 10 minutes into the boat ride, Max decided that wasn't such a bad idea.  (The Barnhouse falling-asleep-while-riding-in-moving-objects gene runs strong in this one; he fell asleep both days.)

Exhibit A as to why I was crazy sore on Monday.  Exhibit B includes incredibly ungraceful and borderline humiliating photos of me water skiing that will not be shared on this blog.  I would burn them dramatically except for the fact that they don't exist in paper form, so I'll just stick to far less dramatic pushing of the "delete" key.

Exhibits A and B as to why Chris was crazy sore on Monday.  He and Campbell did this about 37 times, no exaggeration.  Each time they discussed what to do and then practiced their poses to make sure they were totally ridiculous perfect.   

Exhibit A/Part 1 (the "Karate Kid"/the consultation):

Exhibit A/Part 2 (the "Karate Kid"/the execution):

Exhibit B/Part 1 (the "Texas Rangers Antlers Thing that I Still Don't Really Understand"/the consultation):

Exhibit B/Part 2 (the "Texas Rangers Antlers Thing that I Still Don't Really Understand"/the execution):

 Scarlett takes a turn. 

Kacy and Harper cruising in the Sea-Doo.

Hanging out by the lake.

Boat nap, take 2.  Max gets points for consistency.  Note that the life jacket makes a good pillow sort of like one of those neck pillows people use on airplanes.  Or a neck brace.

Scarlett got really anxious when Chris or I would get out of the boat and into the water to ride the big tube, ski, or swim, but she finally got brave at the end of the trip and got out of the boat and swam in the middle of the lake with me and the mermaids. (We couldn't see them, but they were definitely there.)

Awesome view of the fireworks show over the lake from the Jones's dock.  Thanks to the Jones family for a fun-filled weekend!

(* Now to explain the title of this post ... I've been teaching Scarlett to chant "U---S---A!" Olympics-style in preparation for the upcoming summer games.  Since as far as she's concerned I'm just stringing together random letters, she keeps busting out with "U---S---A!  W---X---Y---Z!".  She even chants it sometimes from bed by herself during her wind-down/try-to-avoid-going-to-sleep-at-all-costs time.) 

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