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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Max is Nine Months Old! (August 17, 2012)

Our sweet Max is nine months old!  He's crawling like a champ, which means lots of new adventures for him and new challenges for us (for example, the step up into all of the downstairs rooms from the living room -- which he has tumbled off of several times -- requires constant vigilance).  He pulls up to stand all the time, likes to bend his knees and bounce, and can let go and stay balanced for several seconds.  No cruising on furniture quite yet, though.  Now that he's on the move, he will no longer tolerate any contraptions that constrain him like the Exersaucer or Jumperoo.  Speaking of contraptions that constrain, Max moved up to a "big boy" convertible car seat for toddlers.  For some reason, this milestone struck Scarlett as a big one.  This morning once both kids were strapped in, she announced proudly, "Max, you are such a big boy.  But you still ride backwards."  (Guess she didn't want him to get TOO full of himself; he'll continue to face backwards until he's around two years old.)

He still says Mama, and has added "bababa" and "dadada" to his repertoire, although they don't seem to mean anything to him at this point other than sounds he likes to make.  He still loves to eat, and can get really impatient if you aren't feeding him fast enough.  He has a high-pitched, piercing screech that sounds remarkably like a pterodactyl (well, what I assume a pterodactyl sounds like) that he unleashes when the food isn't coming fast enough.  This is particularly charming at restaurants.  Two new teeth have sprouted (on either side of his top front teeth) for a grand total of six.

Max is really interested in Winnie and is pretty gentle with her, although she generally keeps her distance.  Scarlett is still the coolest in Max's eyes, and all things considered, she continues to be really sweet to him.  It's fun to see them start to play together now that Max can do much more than just sit there like a lump (albeit an adorable lump).

At Max's nine month appointment, he weighed 21 pounds 12 ounces; was 29 inches tall; and has a head measurement of 18 1/2 inches.  Dr. Curry no longer gives you a form with percentiles for some reason, but my internet research indicates that Max is roughly in the 75th percentile for boys for both height and weight and is off the charts for head measurement.  (By comparison, Scarlett's nine month measurements were 22 pounds 5 ounces (92% for girls), 29 inches (92%), and head measurement also off the charts.  The takeaway:  my babies have huge heads.)

And here is nine month-old Mister Max!

Happy guy.

Watching Daddy.

Showing off his standing skills.

Playing with Daddy and Sister.

Whatcha lookin' at, Max?

On the move!

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