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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, September 3, 2012

Max Meets Nana

Earlier this summer we headed up to Tulsa to visit Nana, Aunt Patsy, and Aunt Melinda (Lydia/Mimi's mother and sisters).  Mimi and Papa Tig came as well.

"Hello, Nana.  How do you do?"

Sweet Nana hugs.

Lookin' good, Max and Nana!

While we were there, we visited the Tulsa Aquarium, and Peggy drove over from Talequah to join us for the afternoon.  Believe it or not, landlocked Oklahoma has a nice aquarium.  Here's Scarlett and her entourage feeding the stingrays.

To bring the weekend full circle, we had a delicious fish dinner that night with Nana at Luby's (aka "The Lube").  Thanks for having us, Nana!

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