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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas 2012: It's a wrap!

We finished up our Christmas celebrations by spending Christmas week in Southern New Mexico/El Paso, first with BB and then with Papa Tig and Mimi.  We were all sick with some kind of upper respiratory grunge -- first Scarlett, then Max, then me, and finally Chris -- which left everyone a bit grumpier than normal, but we managed to push through the sickness and still have lots of fun.

Feeding the ducks near BB's house.

Max on the move.

Checking out the luminarias.

Christmas Eve at BB's house.

Sweet kisses for BB.

This one cracks me up.  Sick Scarlett grousing, sick Max exhausted, and BB looking bewildered by it all.

Christmas morning at Mimi and Papa Tig's.  Scarlett asked Santa for "a baby and a crib that rocks."  She's holding Lulu the new baby below, and a baby cradle was waiting for her under the tree at our house when we got home (the cradle was my doll cradle when I was a little girl; I guess even Santa regifts ...).

Opening presents.

Feeding the ducks with Papa Tig.

Watching the ducks after they flew in for their afternoon snack.

Silly Max thought it was great fun to crawl into this planter, and was quite pleased with himself as you can see.

Scarlett's birthday is coming up in a few days and she is quite excited, although apparently she's already planning ahead.  She asked me today, "Mommy, after my birthday's over, can we have Christmas again next month?"  I told her, "No, it won't be Christmas again for another year.  Next month is Valentine's Day."  She responded, "But I don't like Valentine's Day.  It's too scary!"  Nice try, Scarlett (although she might actually be onto something there).  

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