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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scarlett is THREE!!!

Monday January 21, 2013 was a big day:  President Obama's second inauguration, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and our girl turned three years old!  (In no particular order of importance, of course.)  It was a fun and busy day ... the park, Scarlett's first haircut, lunch with BB at Snuffer's, presents, dinner at Gloria's, Sprinkles cupcakes for dessert, playtime with some of Scarlett's new toys, and finally sleep.  (I tried to sneak into Scarlett's room to take off her new princess tutu that she insisted on wearing to bed.  A very groggy Scarlett rolled over and groaned, "no, Mommy, I NEED my princess tutu!")

"I AM 3!"

Fun at the park.


Checking out her new Scarlett puzzle from Cherry.

The princess tent was a hit.  Chris had to get inside to assemble it.  

Max was so excited to get in, that he couldn't even wait for Chris to get out.

Scarlett proceeded to open the remainder of her presents from inside the tent (while nosey Max and Winnie looked on).

Princess Scarlett casting a spell on her Daddy.

It was a sleeping spell, apparently.  Even Winnie was out for the count (note her in the pink collar snoozing on Chris's legs).

Scarlett's princess birthday party was today ... photos forthcoming!

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