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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Max's Mickey Mouse Second Birthday Party--Part 2

Paw and Randy put together another awesome hayride for Max's birthday party.

Paul was the master of ceremonies, leading us through the various clues and adventures to get to Max's presents.

Ready to roll!

Note the sign for the "seniors adults only" trailer ... Steamboat Willy's Hayride, complete with old-timey Mickey cartoon.  

First up, Toodles (played by Gavin, Randy's grandson) with the Mousekatool sign (full of "tools" or clues to help us along our way, most importantly a puzzle that we had to put together piece by piece as we travelled along the hayride).

Max holds onto the Mickey puzzle as we head out to search for pieces.

Oh no -- it's Prospector Pete!  (note the puzzle piece attached to his hat band)

Shrek had a puzzle piece, too.

Same for Iron Man.

Making s'mores at the campfire at the bottom of the property.


Scarlett, Max, and Jordan spotted a tiny butterfly on a log (ok, so maybe it was a moth, but butterfly sounds more charming so let's go with that).

Busting out some sweet dance moves at the bonfire.

When we finally gathered up all the puzzle pieces we found along the way and put them all together, there was a surprise on the back -- a map with coordinates!  Luckily, Max and Scarlett's cousins are quite the outdoorsmen and were able to lead the way using the map (full disclosure:  they found an app on someone's phone (thank goodness, or we would have been out there wandering around in circles for days)).

Auntie Erin and three of the McGinnis cousins plot our next move.

Still searching with the whole gang in tow.

Paw explains the final Mousekatool, which led us to ...


Once the hayride was finished, it was cupcake time!  Max was so ready to eat his Mickey cupcake that he blew out the candle before we even finished the first line of "Happy Birthday"!

Birthday cupcake photobomb.

PiƱata time!  Max did a great job swinging.

Scarlett, too.

Cousin Jordan, however, decided that hitting Mickey Mouse with a stick just didn't feel right.  I get it, Jordan, I really do.

Lots of Seitzes.

Silly girls.

Do not be alarmed by the disproportionate number of Aggies in this photo.  (Thanks for the lone hook 'em horns, Cousin Jake.)

Cuddles with Grandma.


A Texas-style face plant after a long, fun day.  Happy Birthday, Maxwell!!  Two is going to be an awesome year!

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