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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Little Bluebonnets

I have somehow managed to never get bluebonnet pictures of my two little Texans until this year.  Rather than have to hunt down a spot on the side of the highway somewhere, we were lucky enough to get some beautiful shots at Grandma and Paw's land as well as at Mike and Lisa's house over Easter weekend.

The first set is at Grandma and Paw's.  Max was NOT having it, but I managed to get some really sweet pictures of Scarlett despite the fact that I was carrying a very clingy 30+ pound two-year-old and taking photos with just one hand.  And lucky for Scarlett, Grandma and Paw decided not to press charges for state-flower-picking.  (Turns out the whole "it's illegal to pick bluebonnets" thing is a myth.)

The next set is from Mike and Lisa's Easter Party at their house in Spring Branch.  This time, Max was ready to get his bluebonnet on (now that he was fueled by jellybeans and chocolate).

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