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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Take a Drive on the Wild Side

Over Spring Break, the kids, BB, and I headed to Fossil Rim near Glen Rose, Texas.  Fossil Rim is a wildlife conservation park with over 1,000 animals from 50 species covering 1,700 acres.  You drive your car through slowly (veeeerrrry slowly as it turns out on the first day of Spring Break ... we were not the only ones with the wise idea to head to Fossil Rim).  With our food pellets in hand and the windows rolled down, we headed out in search of gazelle, bison, deer, wildebeests, zebras, emus, giraffes, and more.      

Here's Max practicing his Sopranos look.  "Hey animals, you gotta eat from our car and not all the others, capish?"

Totally unsuccessful group shot.  Only BB is cooperating.  Scarlett spotted a must-have rock, and Max is on the lookout for wild rhinos.

There was a petting zoo halfway through the drive where we stopped to stretch our legs (or in Scarlett's case, stand on one of them).

Striking the flamingo pose with the goat.  Because a sure-fire way to impress a goat is to pretend to be a flamingo.

Face painting.

Now for our animal sightings beyond the confines of the petting zoo.  The giraffes weren't interested in coming up to our car (they were probably too full), but we did spot several just hanging around.

Some unidentified creature gets a snack from BB and a skeptical look from Max.

Big horned sheep.  I think?

Zebra.  Yes, that is definitely a zebra.

And finally, the emu in all his glory.  Love the hairdo.

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