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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Easter 2014 -- Part 2

After hunting for eggs at Grandma and Paw's, we headed out to Mike and Lisa's place for another egg hunt, food, and fun.

Getting ready for egg hunt #2 of the day.  My children are the silly gooses on the left with their baskets on their heads.  At least there were holes in them.  

Easter with Schwegmanns/McGinnises = guaranteed cascarone action (in case you're not familiar, cascarones are emptied egg shells filled with confetti and sealed off with tissue paper that you crack on people's heads).  Scarlett thought this was great fun ...

... until it was done to her.  When it was done to her, she WAS NOT AMUSED.

Scarlett probably cracked 10 cascarones on Chris.

Max tried to crack one on Paw's head, but it bounced off (see it flying on the right side of the picture?). I don't know if that says more about Max, the egg, or Paw's head.

Next, Max took aim at Uncle Greg's noggin.

Even Paw had to get in on the fun by surprising BB.

The aftermath.

Pinata time!

Thanks to the McGinnises for a great celebration!

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