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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, May 5, 2014

Frontiers of Flight Museum

Over Spring Break the kids, BB, and I hit up the Frontiers of Flight Museum near Love Field.  There are planes everywhere -- inside, outside, and hanging from the ceiling.  They span from Wright brothers-era airplanes to space capsules.  Here's Scarlett, Max, and BB posing with the world's one and only "Flying Flapjack," an experimental test aircraft that was part of the Navy's fighter aircraft program in World War II.

The kids loved playing with the aptly-named "stomp rockets."

If you squint, you can see Max at the top of the air traffic control tower in the kids play area.

Peeking out of the Southwest Airlines plane.

The kids were probably the most impressed by the fake plane in the kids area.  

Scarlett and her co-pilot Max.

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