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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Scarlett's turns FIVE!

Scarlett's big birthday present this year was a playhouse.  It has working windows, a cute cedar shingle roof, a window box for flowers, and is even painted to match our house.  Here's Scarlett, Max, and Hudson watching the guy who built it set it up.  The always nosy Winnie had to keep close tabs on him and had forest green touch-up paint all over her ears and nose when it was all said and done.

Here's our little cupcake on her big day.

Helping Mommy put together the table and chairs for the playhouse.

A few more shots of the brand new five-year-old with her brand new playhouse.

When Daddy came home it was time for more presents and dinner at (where else?) Gloria's -- Scarlett's favorite.

Showing off her cups, plates, and silverware for the playhouse.

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