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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scarlett's Newborn Photos

Click here to check out Scarlett's newborn photo session when she was just twelve days old. Karen Shaw at Hello, World! Photography did such a great job. You can check out more of Karen's work at www.helloworldphotography.com. Take note of the little beauty in the picture on the left of the website's home page -- it's none other than Miss S! Karen was so sweet and patient with Scarlett -- she was here for over five hours. We love the photos and are really looking forward to Scarlett's six month photo session in just a few months.

ATTENTION GRANDPARENTS (and anyone else interested in copies): let me know which photos you want copies of, what size you want them in (4x6, 5x7, 8x10), and whether you want color/glossy, color/matte, color/metallic, or black and white/matte. One of the great things about Karen is that she gives you complete access to the photos, so rather than having to order expensive copies from her, we are free to order as many copies as we want from any service (I'm planning to use Kodak Gallery). I'm going to place an order soon, so let me know what you'd like!

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