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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend and Swimming!

Scarlett had a big weekend, including two visits to the Club for swimming and fun in the sun. First off, Daddy had to explain to Scarlett how to swim.

Some words of encouragement from Mom, pink hat on, and she's ready to dive right in!

Or maybe not. After a brief and teary dip in the pool, we headed home with plans to try again a few days later. Swimming is exhausting!

It's a new day! And Scarlett has a new bathing suit and hat!

Harper and Campbell gave her a pep talk -- the second time will be the charm. Let's DO this!!

Well ... maybe swimming is an acquired taste. Perhaps golf is more her thing.

But after coming home and getting all cleaned up, she seems no worse for the wear!

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