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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vegas Baby

Yes, we took a baby to Las Vegas. No, we are not insane (well, at least not for this). It actually worked out really well. We hung out as a family during the day, and then the big kids (including Ben and Jeanne who drove in from LA) had nice dinners and gambled a bit at night while Miss Scarlett snoozed in our room with a hotel-recommended babysitter.

As usual, Scarlett was awesome on the plane (after this coming weekend she will have logged 8 flights; time to sign her up for a frequent flyer card!).

The first of many amazing sights, Scarlett got to admire the Grand Canyon out her window.

Upon landing, she immediately wanted to check out the slots.

After we checked into our room, we took a stroll. Anyone who has seen the movie The Hangover will not be surprised to learn that Chris and Scarlett/Carlos elicited a lot of comments. A LOT. We're talking non-stop. I found them hilarious; Chris was not quite as amused (probably because he was the one with a baby strapped to him).

The next day we left the Bjorn back in the room, and Scarlett saw many incredible sights ...

The Eiffel Tower!

The Statue of Liberty!

A crazy guy handing a rawhide to a lion!

And Chris longingly took in some sights as well, including the Mandalay Bay poker room. My how things have changed! (Don't worry; Chris was able to squeeze in some poker time while Scarlett and I squeezed in some nap time.)

Viva Las Vegas!

We had a great trip and hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! (And yes, that is a tiny hair clip desperately clinging to about three hairs on Scarlett's head; so maybe I am crazy after all ...)

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