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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Six Months Old! (July 21, 2010)

Scarlett is six months old today! I can hardly believe it. She had an appointment with Dr. Curry this morning, and our big girl is 18 pounds 9 ounces (90th percentile), 28 inches long (97th percentile), and her head is 19 1/4 inches (greater than 97th percentile). The head measurement should come as no surprise to anyone who has been around a gathering of Schwegmanns or Barnhouses, but her height and weight measurements continue to amaze me. We'll see if she keeps it up!

Scarlett is getting better at sitting up on her own every day. She still weaves and wobbles a bit and has to be spotted, but she'll be able to do it by herself any day now. Her fascination with Winnie continues, but it remains a one-sided love affair. Winnie mostly ignores Scarlett and focuses her energy on stealing her toys when nobody is looking. Scarlett's laugh is much like Scarlett -- hearty and full, and most definitely not dainty. She still loves being outside and has been enjoying lots of time in the pool. Nap time continues to be a bit of a challenge, but she is still sleeping great at night. She's a really sweet and easy going baby, which probably means she's breaking us in gently in preparation for her teenage years.

Here are some shots of our sweet girl on her six month birthday.

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