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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cowboy Max's First Birthday!

Our sweet baby boy turned one year old today.  What a difference a year makes ...

November 17, 2011
November 17, 2012

Max had a big day -- another birthday party in the morning, Chick Fil A for lunch, quick nap, then his cowboy-themed birthday party in the afternoon.  He was blessed to share his party with lots of family and friends, including friends of the furry and feathered variety.  We had a petting zoo with baby chickens, goats, bunnies, ducks, a pig, and even an alpaca (!).  (This is the same alpaca that Scarlett was so enamored with last month at the Kessler Pumpkin Patch and that nibbled on her hair -- and that crazy creature did it again!  We decided he must keep mistaking her long blond hair for hay.)  And we can't forget Dandy the pony that the kids got to ride up and down the driveway.

Here is Max taking some tentative first tastes of his smash cake.

Scarlett decided to help him out.  (Truth be told, Scarlett freaked out when we gave the mini cake to Max.  Apparently, she had decided earlier that it was HER cake.  And Max was EATING.  HER.  CAKE.  Oh, the horror!)

And this was all despite the fact that we had an enormous -- and absolutely amazing -- cake for the rest of us to eat.  Is this a cool cake, or what?!

The remnants.  Good job, Cowboy Max!

It was a beautiful day, a great party, and so much fun to celebrate our precious boy.  We love you, Max!

(We had a photographer there to take pictures so I wouldn't have to worry about it the whole time, and I will share those when I get them in a few weeks.)

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