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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cowgirl Scarlett

Here are a few shots of Cowgirl Scarlett rocking her NEW! PINK! COWGIRL BOOTS!  This could have gone one of two ways:  she would hate them and refuse to wear them, or she would think they were the greatest things ever.  She was hilarious the first time she put them on.  If anyone has ever put shoes or socks on a dog (just admit it, I know you're out there), her reaction was similar.  She struck an awkward, frozen pose, then shuffled sideways a bit, and then walked by lifting her legs high up in the air like she was marching.  She finally got the hang of it, and now she doesn't want to take them off.  In fact, she wore them again today to another birthday party!

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