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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Greetings from the Land of Oz!

Here are some shots of the whole Wizard of Oz gang on Halloween evening -- the Wicked Witch of the West, the Lion, the Tin Man, and Dorothy.

We hadn't even gotten started yet and the sweet Lion was already yawning ...

Toto gets in on the action.  She looks thrilled, doesn't she?  (And by "thrilled" I mean "frozen in terror.")

Here's Scarlett, Max, and the Harry Potter kiddos over at the Jones's house getting ready to trick or treat:  Boyd as Draco Malfoy (hard to see, but he's holding a little wand and is mid-spell-casting); Harper as Luna Lovegood; Blythe as Rita Skeeter; and Campbell as Mad Eye Moody. Rounding out the Harry Potter cast (but not photographed) were Moaning Myrtle, Hagrid, and Bellatrix Lastrange, played by Lee, Ali, and Mamito.

Scarlett LOVED trick or treating.  I was actually a bit surprised, since some decorations and costumes had bothered her a bit in the weeks leading up to Halloween.  I figured we'd go to one or two houses and call it a day, but she made it all the way around Canterbury Court and probably hit up 15-20 houses.  She even marched right up to the "spooky" houses complete with fog, scary music, and weird looking people and decor, with no prodding from me.  I kept thinking she'd get tired and asking her if she was ready to head back, and she'd say, "No!  I need more candy!"

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