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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Max is one year old! (November 17, 2012)

Wow, has it really been a year already?  Below are shots from Max's 12th and final "month sticker" photo session.  But first some thoughts on Max at one year old ...

Max officially took his first steps a few days before his first birthday (five days before, to be exact).  He continued to take a few steps here and there, until the week after his birthday when it finally clicked and he took off and never looked back.  He loves to climb on things, and I actually found him standing precariously on a drum on the edge of the fireplace mantel last week (luckily, I intervened just in time, and he was not happy that I interrupted his plans).  Speaking of his drum, he continues his love of music, and has the cutest little dance moves.  He pushes the music buttons on the swing in his bedroom and proceeds to rock out to the rather lame music selection, including Irish jigs and lullabies.

He has added a few words to his vocabulary, including ball and bath, but he clearly understands a whole host of words.  If he's in the right mood (i.e. not distracted by food or Scarlett) he'll correctly point out Scarlett, Daddy, Winnie, ball, nose, light, fan, Pinky (Scarlett's infamous ratty baby doll), and more.  He loves to turn light switches on and off, and points at them and sort of grunts at you until you pick him up to let him have at it.

He likes to try to feed himself with a fork or spoon (despite the fact that his success rate is close to zero, but the poor thing still tries and tries), and he continues to be a big eater (he ate six Chick Fil A nuggets the other day for lunch, or as Scarlett calls it, Chick La Fay (sounds like a burlesque dancer and makes me giggle every time she says it)).  Max loves bath time and loves to go outside, and is NOT happy when it's time to come inside. He loves toy cars and trains and anything with wheels that he can push along the floor, and even makes a cute little "vroom vroom" noise while he does it.

He still has separation anxiety and is my little shadow; he doesn't even like it if I leave the room.  He and Scarlett play together more and more each day, and even "rough house" a bit, which typically involves Scarlett hugging Max over-zealously or laying on him, neither of which he particularly likes.  He still finds her absolutely fascinating and hilarious, even when she's bossing him around or scolding him ... "No Max, no!  We do NOT stand on drums!"

Here are his stats from his 12-month appointment with Dr. Curry:
Weight -- 24 pounds, 4 ounces (60th percentile)
Height -- 30 1/2 inches (60th percentile)
Head -- 19 inches (97+ percentile ... to hold all those brains, of course)

He is such a happy baby (or do I have to say toddler now?) and is such a blessing to our family.

This boy is so sweet I can hardly stand it.

 Laughing with Scarlett.

Scarlett trying to peel off Max's 12-month sticker.  Note the look on her face ... she knows she's not supposed to do it, but is going to do it anyway, and is even going to look me in the eye while she does it.  Oh, Scarlett ...

Sweet hug and kiss.  If only all of their hugs were this sweet ...

And now for the not-so-sweet hugs.  This series of photos cracks me up.

Sweet Sister and Brother.  

Looking at Sister lovingly.

Scarlett goes for a hug, which starts off innocently enough.

Scarlett even throws in a kiss.  Sweet, right?  And the fact that Max's head is at that crazy angle could be because he's looking at an airplane, right?

Ummmm, maybe not.

Don't worry, I intervened right about this point.

So then she moved on to another one of her favorite pastimes of late: wrestling Max to the ground.  I try to tell Scarlett that payback is going to be brutal, but she doesn't listen.  "But I'm just hugging him!  I'm being gentle!"  Sure you are, Scarlett.  Sure you are.

A few more recent shots of our handsome one-year-old boy.  Happy Birthday, Maxwell!!

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