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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012: Part 1

BB, Chris, Scarlett, Max and I headed down to New Braunfels to celebrate Thanksgiving with Grandma and Paw and a whole slew of Schwegmanns.  The weather was beautiful, so we got to spend lots of time outdoors, which we all enjoyed.

On Max's agenda for Day 1:  Playing ball, stealing Pinky, and eating leaves and sticks.

On Scarlett's agenda for Day 1:  Playing golf and rescuing Pinky.

(As background, Pinky is Scarlett's current baby of choice.  She's not much to look at.  Just a little pink fabric doll with a rattle inside.  The most notable thing about her is that she's in desperate need of a bath, thanks in no small part to her adventures over Thanksgiving.)

A golf lesson from Daddy at Paw's backyard driving range.

Listening to his sage advice.

Lining up her shot (notice the head of the club is pointing the wrong way).

Golf groupies.

Max playing ball.

While a distracted Scarlett was busy playing golf, Max snagged an unsuspecting Pinky, who was napping alfresco in her pack and play.  (Scarlett loves the doll-sized pack and play, by the way, which was a spot-on gift from a mother of another almost three-year-old girl who clearly knows her stuff in the what-do-almost-three-year-old-girls-love department.  And we obviously had to drag it to New Braunfels, because where else would Pinky sleep?)

Following a high-pitched  "Noooooooo!!!!  Max is messing with Pinkyyyyyy!!!!" from Scarlett, she dashed over, snatched Pinky from Max's clutches, and put her back in the pack and play (after scolding Max that Pinky was sleeping).

Then she whisked Pinky away to a safe destination where nobody would ever think to find her ...

Paw's driving range.  Surely Paw didn't mind the extra company.

Left without Pinky to "mess with," Max turned his sights back to playing with leaves and snacking on twigs.

Next up -- Turkey Day.

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