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Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Scarlett says, "Welcome to my blog!"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Scarlett started ballet lessons last month.  Here she is trying on her leotard and practicing some moves before the first class.

You're a natural, Scarlett.  (Although you might be "voguing" instead of ballet dancing, but whatever moves you ...)

Max does some posing of his own.

Sweet siblings.  (Max LOVES hanging out on Scarlett's big girl bed.)

Kiss from big sister ...

... that was really just a pretense for a followup "hug"/WWF wrestling move.  I'm telling you, Scarlett, you're going to be in for some big-time payback when he gets bigger, especially with all the photographic evidence.

Silly ballerina.

Dramatic ballerina.

Happy ballerina.

Just along for the ride.

Tough cowgirl ballerina.

Ummmmm ... maybe not so much, Max.

One last shot from the first day of ballet class.  The ballerina and her trusty side-kick.

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